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Smart Sessions Analytics (Release v1.11.0)

Smart Sessions Analytics (Release v 1.11.0)

  1. To request Smart Sessions analytics exports, go to 
  2. Log in with your email and password 
  3. Type in the app short code of the relevant Event App you wish to get the report for and click ‘Go’ 
  4. At the top of the page, you will see several tabs including ‘Streams’ ‘Documents’ etc, scroll to the far right and click on ‘Smart Sessions’ 
  5. Click on the ‘Smart Sessions Report’ 
  6. Then select a date range for your report, and click ‘Download’ 
  7. Your report will be sent to your email for you to download. 

Analytics Breakdown

High Level (detailed view) 

  1. This sheet provides you with the breakdown summary of Smart Sessions rooms in your event app. 
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  

Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) – The start date you set up for your room. If this field is blank, this means you have not set the date for the relevant room 

End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) – The end date you set up for your room. If this field is blank, this means you have not set the date for the relevant room 

Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

Privacy (Y/N) – This field is currently not exposed on the CMS, therefore this field will always state Y 

Room capacity – The number of attendees allowed to enter the room, this is set on the CMS 

Start Time (hh:mm) – The start time you set up for your room. If this field is blank, this means you have not set the time for the relevant room 

End Time (hh:mm) – The end time you set up for your room. If this field is blank, this means you have not set the time for the relevant room 

Duration – The total number of hours the room was open for delegates to access. End date and time – Start date and time. If this field is blank, this means you have not set the date and time for the relevant room 

User by countries 

  1. This sheet provides you with the summary of the numbers of users broken down by their access country. 
  1. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  
  1. Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

  1. Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

  1. Privacy (Y/N) – This field is currently not exposed on the CMS, therefore this field will always state Y 

  1. Country – The location where they joined the room from 

  1. Num users – The total number of users who joined from the relevant country  

Usage graph

(There isn’t any graph provided, but you can plot one yourself using the available data, we recommend a line graph showing the time on the x-axis and the number of user joins on the y-axis) 


 SS 1.png

  1. This sheet provides you with the total number of users (and unique users) joining a room a given date and time. 
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  

Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

Privacy (Y/N) – This field is currently not exposed on the CMS, therefore this field will always state Y 

Total Users Join – The total number of times users entered the room 

Total Unique User Join – The total number of times a unique users entered the room 

Start Date and Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) – The start date time the users (and unique users) entered the room 

Usage (detailed view)

  1. This sheet provides detailed version of the Usage graph sheet and breaks it down to individual users and the total number of times they entered the room within the date parameter of the report. 
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  

Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

Privacy (Y/N) – This field is currently not exposed on the CMS, therefore this field will always state Y 

User id - This is the unique identification code of the user 

Attendee – The first and surname of the user 

Count of entry – The total number of times the user entered the room within the date parameter of the report. 

User engagement (high level) 

  1. This sheet provides summary information of activities performed by individual users in a room this is broken down by the bubbles that the made, chat interaction, teleportation performed, access location and the date these activities took place. 
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  

Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

User – The first and surname of the user 

No of bubbles made – The total number of bubbles the user was in 

Chat interaction (Y/N) – Whether or not the user interacted in the room chat 

No of teleportation – The total number of times the user teleported to another user 

Country – The location where they joined the room from 

Date (yyyy-mm-dd) – The date the activities took place 

User level engagement (bubble)

  1. This sheet provides detailed version of the User engagement (high level) sheet and breaks it down to individual users and their bubble activities whilst in the room.  
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  

Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

User id - This is the unique identification code of the user 

User – The first and surname of the user 

Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

Bubble id – This is the unique identification code of each bubble 

Lock bubble (Y/N) – Whether or not the bubble was locked 

Total number of people in bubble – The total number of users on the bubble including the user 

Start Date and Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) – The start date time the bubble activity took place  

User level engagement (teleport)

  1. This sheet provides detailed version of the User engagement (high level) sheet and breaks it down to individual users and their teleport activities whilst in the room.  
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see in this sheet and what they mean:  

Event id/short-code - This is the code of your event app 

User id - This is the unique identification code of the user 

User – The first and surname of the user 

Room name – The name of the Smart Sessions room 

Person teleported to – The name of the person the user teleported to 

Num times teleported – The total number of times, the user teleported to the same user within the same date and time parameter 

Start Date and Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) – The start date time the teleport activity took place