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CrowdComms Streaming Technician Emergency Procedure

Streaming Technician Pre-Event Requirements:
For the live broadcast, you must have the following in place: Computers x 2, hard-line Internet connection, and 4G router connected to your Uninterrupted Power Source.
At least 10GB of Data on the 4G SIM card
A second computer showing the front end of the app ready to check the stream.

Required actions 45 Minutes before the Live Broadcast Time:
Start zoom call 45 mins before Live Event Start Time
Run a Speed test and screenshot test results.
Send a WhatsApp message to the project manager to confirm all set or otherwise.

If your Internet becomes unstable or fails:
i.e. more than 20% of frames are dropping and this continues to increase after one minute 
1. Switch to 4G (unplug hardwire) if the automatic switch hasn’t taken place.
2. Send code word "Superman" to the Project Manager which will alert them to get the emergency technician on call into position and Post “Superman” on the Streaming-urgent channel as a backup. 
3. Check the front end for the user experience. 
4. Post a message in the chat letting the audience know “We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please bear with us.”
5. Call the PM on the phone to plan the transition to the new streaming technician.
6. Advise the presenter(s) on the Zoom call accordingly.

In the case of a Hardware Failure:
On the second computer Send the code word “Superman” to the Project Manager which will alert them to get the emergency technician on call into position and Post “Superman” on the Streaming-urgent channel as a backup. 
Let the audience know via the chatbox that there are some technical difficulties and work is in progress to get the stream back up and running.

In the case of MUX outage:
Send code "Superman" and "MUX failure" to streaming urgent channel
Send WhatsApp message to PM
On the second computer add a message to the chat in the app advising of technical difficulties.
Superman will generate the stream key needed to stream to Vimeo and add it to the app.
Superman will add the Vimeo link to the chat on the app for delegates.

If the player stops playing the streaming content:
Send code Superman to streaming urgent channel and MUX failure
Send WhatsApp message to PM
Advise the presenter(s) on the zoom call to pause their presentation  
On the second computer add a message to the chat in the app advising of technical difficulties.
Superman will generate the stream key needed and send it to you via email
Superman will replace the link in the app once done will post a note in the chatbox to advise the audience to refresh their screens.
Allow the audience a minute or two to reconnect then start the stream again before instructing the presenter(s) to continue.