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Running Order

Preparing your Running Order Document 

The Running Order document is the beating heart of the live stream. It is a shared document that contains all the information required to run a successful live stream.  

In the CrowdComms’ Running Order template (within your SharePoint folder), the important columns to focus on are ‘Running Order’ and ‘Stream Scene Order’. Take a look at this PDF to help you decide on the display options you would like during your live stream – this will enable you to determine the ‘Stream Scene Order’ in the template.  

Below is an example of a Running Order and its corresponding Stream Scene Order. Please bear in mind that there must be a 10-minute gap between each live stream session in your agenda 

Example Running Order 

Gary will introduce the session (five mins). He will then give a PowerPoint presentation. He starts the presentation with a video (Introduction.mp4) and there are live poll questions at slides 8 and 14. The session then moves to a panel discussion with Mark and Stuart, chaired by Gary. Gary starts the panel session with a polling question, followed by the panel discussion for 30 minutes and ends the session with another polling question.  

Corresponding Stream Scene Order 

  • Image (Starting Soon) with music 
  • 1 person (Gary) - lower third 
  • 1 person (Gary) with screenshare 
  • Video - ‘Introduction.mp4’ (slide 1) 
  • 1 person (Gary) with (Live Poll #1) Slide 8 
  • 1 person (Gary) with screenshare 
  • 1 person (Gary) with (Live Poll #2) Slide 14 
  • 3 person panel - (Gary, Mark & Stuart) 
  • 1 person (Gary) with (Live Poll #3) 
  • 3 person panel - (Gary, Mark & Stuart) 
  • 1 person (Gary) with (Live Poll #4) 
  • 1 person (Gary) 
  • Image (Thank you) with music 

Your CrowdComms Production Manager will complete the sections of your running order titled ‘Stream Key’, ‘Stream Technician’, ‘Speaker Zoom Link’, ‘Q&A Speaker Link’, Q&A Moderator Link’, and ‘Live Polling Link’ - so you can leave these sections blank when you are completing the rest of your running order.  

Parallel Sessions 

If you are having, or wish to have, multiple streamed sessions running at the same time you will need to have a live stream technician for each of those streams. Please make your CrowdComms Account Manager aware of any parallel sessions as early as possible to make sure resources are available and allocated.  


To ensure the highest quality, any video files should be uploaded to the Live Stream Assets folder in SharePoint. All videos will be played locally by the live stream technician.