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- The Documents module can be used to display a list of documents relevant to the event.
- The documents must be added to the library section first. To do this go to libraries – documents and then drag and drop your documents in. There is a size limit of 10MB to the size of each document and if the document exceeds this then it won’t upload.
- Once uploaded you have the option to download, rename or delete the document.
- Once uploaded you can then choose which ones you would like to display within the documents module.
- Documents can also be linked to an agenda session by going into that particular sessions and navigating to the documents tab. As long as your document is already uploaded to libraries you’ll be able to search for it and link it here.
- Documents can also be linked to people or company profiles. To do this you need to locate the profile, click the edit pencil and scroll to document and search for the one you need.