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Eventsforce Integration Setup Guide

Before you get to the CrowdComms platform, you will need to setup the integration in Eventsforce in order to generate an API key. We will need this along with the event ID and client ID. If you are unsure on how to do this, then Eventsforce can support you in this as the setup is that side and not something we have access to.

Connecting EF to CrowdComms

  1. Log into the CrowdComms dashboard with your Credentials
  2. Click to edit the app that requires integration
  3. Click on “Plugins” at the very bottom of the left hand menu

  4. Click on the “eventsforce” Tile


  5. Enter the following.
    - Client I.D
    - Event I.D
    - API Key
  1. Click “Save”

Automatic Field Mapping

The above steps may be all you need to do depending on the fields set up on your reg form. The following information will pull across as standard:

Attendee Information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Job Title
  • Company

Sessions set up in eventsforce will pull into a new agenda module in CrowdComms, so you won’t need to create one. The session details which pull across are:

  • Title
  • Start Date/Time
  • End Date/Time
  • Description
  • Session presenters
    Please note: session presenters are added to a ‘Presenter’ session group

Abstracts are also added to the sessions as documents

Custom Field Mapping

Now that the EF connection details have been inputted & saved, you can now click on the “Custom Fields” TAB to input any custom fields required.

  1. Click on the “Custom Field” TAB


  2. Click on “Create New”


  3. Enter the Name of the EF Field required to be pulled through


  4. Select the type (Custom Field or People Group)


  5. Select the exact group/field to be mapped. Which drop down is available as to select here will depend on which ‘type’ you selected in step 4.


  6. Click “Create” (You will now receive a message to say if the field mapping has been saved or not)


  7. Repeat the process as necessary


  • Syncing between EF and CrowdComms takes place once per hour, on the half hour (30 mins past the hour)
  • You can view when the last Sync was by going into the EF tile in Plugins
