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AThe goodpeople placelibrary will play a role in every event as the repository for user profile information and for controlling access to startthe isplatform. uploadingThe videos below break down the different parts of this library in the order they appear in the CMS and provide best practices on how to use them for your peopleevent.

groups and associated profile information.

Users have controls at login to choose if they would like to be visible in the platform and to update their profile.


People List

YouThis haveis where user profiles can be created and edited, with the optionemail address being a unique identifier that must be different for every user. When a platform is set to manuallysecure, addthis peopleis onealso atthe amaster timelist oragainst bulkwhich importthe viaemail csvaddress orof excl.any user attempting to login is cross-checked. If the user's email is not recognised they will receive this message:


TemplatesThis still applies for users who have backend access to the CMS and so one of the first steps of any build should be to add yourself and any other members of your team who intend to work on/use the platform, so that you are available and custom fields allow youable to buildlogin uponto the defaultfrontend.

options that include first name, last name, email, job title and company.



People Groups

Creating and allocating users to groups allows you to personalise what they can see on the home page, menu and in the agenda. You can also send targeted comms to specific groups. 

Import options.png 

People Tags

Important: Integration

options transfer



Import People

The "Import People" function enables the bulk import of users fromand registrationprofile ordata othervia systems.spreadsheet Discussupload.

requirements with your account manager or support manager to confirm the best option available.


OnceThe you've"Import importedPeople yourGroups" users,function uses a different spreadsheet and enables you canto gochange backthe groupings users belong to in bulk, however users must have already been added to the modulesplatforms sectionmanually andor chooseusing whichthe groupsabove appear in each 'People module'.import.

people module groups.png

You will also be able to select at module level, who can see this section. 

module privacy_.png