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Introduction and guidance for native apps


The CrowdComms platform has a wide feature set allowing admins to create on brand platforms that meet a variety of project requirements. This includes single page webinars, follow the sun (events covering different time zones) virtual conferences, multi day in person or hybrid congress's with complex personalisation for different groups, through to 12 month community platforms. 

This guide provides a step by step process for a typical setup. Platform training, managed services and live chat are available to help you understand how to best utilise the platform to meet your own goals. We're here to help! 

Note: The steps outlined show the latest version of the CrowdComms CMS (Admin dashboard) which you can access here. We recommend switching the toggle to the top right to access the latest version and the associated benefits. 

Don't have access yet? Speak to your allocated account manager, support manger or contact us here

CMS Toggle.png

Useful Tips

Recommended: The CMS is also available as a desktop application. For ease of access when managing your project(s), install the CMS to your desktop for quick and easy access. Please note, this is only supported once above toggle is switched

Screenshot 2023-07-08 at 08.46.29.png

Attached is a template project planner that you can use to track the progress of your project and agree responsibilities and timelines with all involved with the platform build. 

Project plan.xlsx

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 06.12.01.png

Native app

If you have opted for a native app, a member of our native submission team will contact you to request the required information for us to progress and submit your app. 

If you have opted for a web based platform and want to upgrade to a native app, please discuss options with your Account Manager. 

Important: You will need to setup your own app store account and the submission review can take three (3) weeks to be approved after we have submitted your app. 

Full overview of native apps and the process can be found here