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Gamification Module


Check out the exciting Gamification Module, designed to inject some fun into attendee engagement! By doling out points for specific actions and responses, this module sparks interaction on the platform. Attendees can track their progress on a leader board within the module or catch the live leader board display during events.

Get Started

To get started with the Gamification Module, simply head to the Modules section with in the CMS, 'Manage Modules', hit 'Create New Module', and select 'Game Display'.

From there, customise your module by choosing a catchy title and an appealing icon. You can then decide whether to showcase it on the frontend then and there or come back to toggle on a little later via the settings tab. Once happy with the name, icon and visibility toggle setting save your choices by selecting the submit button.


Creating challenges is a breeze! Click the 'Create New Challenge' button, set a title, pick a condition from a variety of options(shown below), and assign the number of points awarded upon completion. Select Submit to save your choices, you will then be directed to the 'edit challenge' page to configure your challenge.

Challenge Conditions

Condition Types

  • User enters text answer (Case sensitive)
  • User scans QR code
  • User selects choice answer
  • User responds to poll
  • User uploads profile picture
  • User posts to activity feed
  • User comments on activity feed post
  • User accepts business card
  • User has business card exchange accepted
  • User customises business card
  • User posts question to Q&A

In the edit page you can update your challenge details and have the options to limit the number of attempts per attendee or keep the challenge open-ended. Add images or branding, a short description of the challenge or toggle the challenge visibility on/off or closed.


Need to keep an eye on points? Easily track each attendee's score in the searchable Leader board tab and even make manual adjustments to their scores if necessary. To update scores click on the 'i' icon, in the modal pop up, fill in the number of points to add/subtract and hit submit to save your adjustment.


In the Info tab, enhance your challenge module with some additional information on prizes, entries, rules and any additional information for your delegates, while the Settings tab offers fine-tuning options, including visibility settings for specific groups, if you want all points from different challenges and triggers to collate onto one leader board then you will need to turn on the 'Show scores for the whole app on the leader board ( including all modules and points awarded for triggers )' option, to exclude people with zero points from being shown on the leader board, you can also order the tabs such as Leader board', 'Info' and 'Challenges' which will display in the frontend of the module.

And if you ever need a fresh start, you can delete the module entirely and restart or fast track the process by using the provided spreadsheet template to bulk create your challenges.

So, get ready to level up engagement with the Gamification Module!