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CrowdComms Registration

  • Easy Registration:
to setup and manage
  • Replicate and showcase your brand
  • Landing page with various sections available 
  • Highly customisable registration form with different layouts available
  • Advanced logic and personalised user journey
  • Email templates and dashboard
  • Management dashboard and live reporting
  • Overview document attached. See live demos here

    Request a meeting with your Account Manager or for new customers, you can book a demo here 

    Registration, payments, ticketing and content pages:

    If you're looking to promote various aspects of your event at the registration stage, drive up ticket sales, this option is the recommended package. Talk to your account manager who will scope out your exact requirements to ensure we price and support you to achieve all registration goals. View demoScreenshot 2024-06-03 at 15.26.06.png

    Integration options:

    The CrowdComms platform integrates with a number of widely used registration platforms. Setup is quick and easy, however support is on hand to help you where needed.  

    • Aventri
    • Cvent
    • Eventboost 
    • Eventbrite
    • Eventsforce
    • idloom
    • Typeform 
    • Explore our public apiScreenshot 2024-06-03 at 15.26.13.png to setup your own integration
    Manual import / export: 

    If your preferred provider isn't currently on the list of those we integrate with, talk with your account manager. An integration may already be on our roadmap and for popular requests, we can schedule future integrations. For more bespoke solutions we also offer a public api to enable you to setup your own integration. 

    InScreenshot 2024-06-03 at 15.26.19.png

    the meantime we have a straight forward solution for those we don't integrate with. Simply export the data from your registration provider and import into our platform. Support will be on hand to help with this and we offer managed services for the entire process if preferable.

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