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Registration Light Setup & Service Level Agreement

Overview and key features: 

Registration light is a simple branded website to register users and populate the virtual event platform attendee list. Registration light is managed outside of the CrowdComms platform and is priced separately to the CrowdComms Platform. Your Account Manager will be able to provide more information if this is a good fit for your requirements. 

  • Custom URL for ease of access
  • Landing page with event overview and your branding applied
  • User friendly registration form to capture the registrants details
  • Confirmation message upon completing registration 
  • Confirmation email sent via a noreply email from your custom domain
  • API integration with the CrowdComms Virtual Event Platform
  • Site will be live for maximum of 3 months from launch date. At 3 months registration data will be deleted from third party registration site.

Please note: This is a registration light solution limited to the functionality outlined on this page. The linked example demonstrates how your registration light solution will appear with branding and content applied.

For more comprehensive registration requirements, please contact your Account Manager for further options. 

Click to view demo
Landing Page
  • Your logo will appear to the top left
  • Cover image appears with the register call to action centralised 
  • Overview of your event appears below the cover image 


Register Form 

Please note: All registrants will see the same initial questions on the registration form. However, logic and branch questioning is supported.

Question Types: 

  • Text response
  • Multiple choice, select one answer
  • Multiple choice, select multiple answers 
  • File attachment  

Please provide the data capture questions required for the registration page outlining the question followed by type of question in brackets and whether the question is Required or Not Required. Examples of how to provide this data are outlined below. 

Please note: First Name, Last Name and Email required as a minimum. 

  • Question 1: First Name (Text response, Required) 
  • Question 2: Last Name (Text response, Required) 
  • Question 3: Email address (Text Response, Required) 
  • Question 4: Dietary Requirements (Multiple Choice, select one answer, Required)
  • Question 5: Are there any other details we should be aware of (Text response, Not Required) 


Confirmation Message

Upon registering, a confirmation message including your custom text will appear. This will be followed by a confirmation email. Please complete the example registration form linked at the top of this doc to see how this appears. 

Confirmation Email 

Upon registering, a confirmation email will also be sent from the no reply email address.


Live reporting will be available via the dashboard. This includes the details captured from registration and breakdown of who has and hasn't registered. You can export reports based on registration status i.e. who hasn't registered to target these users with additional rounds of promotion via your email marketing platform. Additional rounds of promotion are not included within the registration light package. 


Registration Setup Requirements

Your allocated Support Specialist will provide a Sharepoint folder to provide the required assets and details outlined below. Upon receiving acknowledgement of required assets being received, allow 5 working days for your Registration Light solution to be created. Updates will take 3 working days and to avoid unnecessary delays please ensure all required assets and details are approved and provided at the same time. 

General Requirements: 

  • Preferred URL for the registration site (Must be available)

Required Design assets: 

  • Logo: 300 pxls width x 60 pxls height (jpeg)
    • Appears to the left of the top navigation menu
  • Secondary Logo: 192 pxls width x 192 pxls (jpeg)
    • To be used as the favicon (appears in the actual browser tab)
      Screenshot 2022-07-22 182107.png
      This image will also be used as the Apple Touch icon should iPhone users save the site to their home screen.
  • Cover image: 1920 pxls width x 720 pxls height (jpeg)
    • Appears on the landing page with your event name and register button profiled on top
  • Secondary cover image: 1920 pxls width x 240 pxls height (jpeg) 
    • Appears at the top of the registration form page
  • Email header: 619 pxls width, height can vary (jpeg) 
    • Appears at the top of both invitation and confirmation email
  • Brand guidelines or hex code for primary, secondary and further supporting colours where appropriate
    • Used to brand the top navigation menu, register button and text 

Required Details: 

  • Event Name
  • Overview text: 2500 characters max (Text only) 
  • Registration form questions refer to 'Register Form' above
  • Text to appear in confirmation message: 1000 characters max (Text only)
  • Confirmation email subject: Defaults to 'Registration to {%event_name%}'
  • Text to appear in confirmation email: 1000 characters max (Text only)
  • Include users registration responses in confirmation email: Yes/No