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Remote show day platform support

The CrowdComms platform is self service and with our included remote training and support, many of our clients choose to manage everything themselves on show days. Having said this, time and resources aren't always available and having an expert dedicated resource to oversee the delivery of the CrowdComms platform is incredibly valuable. 

Please note: If you opt to manage the platform yourself, you will still be able to contact CrowdComms for support during office hours without paying for dedicated remote platform support. 


  • CrowdComms will allocate a named support manager for the duration of your event. 
  • Your support manager will provide ongoing email and telephone support as required. They are your dedicated first line of support for any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Your support manager is available for content updates (if required) including, but not limited to; adding people profiles, updating agenda details, uploading documents and hiding/unhiding modules at certain times.
  • Your support manager is also able to resolve any attendee related issues, such as users struggling to log in or access the platform on the day. It is recommended that you are responsible for managing communications with end users who have issues accessing the platform, with your support manager resolving queries in the background on your behalf.
  • Your support manager is able to oversee interactive features such as Q&A and live polling if required.
  • Any issues which cannot be resolved by your support manager will be escalated quickly to the development team and your support manager will provide you with a timeline as to when a resolution is expected.
  • Design changes cannot be made during the live event day as it is not recommended to make branding changes whilst the platform is live.
  • If required, your support manager can also provide analytics updates on basic analytics which are available through the CMS. This includes information such as how many users have logged in, the number of votes in polls and survey responses. Full details on the analytics available through the CMS can be seen under the analytics tab of your platform CMS. Please contact your support manager for further details if required.
  • Analytics relating to live streams are not available until 48 hours post event.
  • If CrowdComms are live streaming your event then questions relating to this element of the event should be escalated to the production manager.
  • If the live streaming element is being handled by a different provider, we recommend you contact them first should you have any issues. However, if they are unable to resolve the problem then our team may be available to assist.