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Joining a room

Joining the room via an Agenda Session

  1. Click on the ‘Agenda Session’ you have created (you will then see an option to watch the live stream in your networking room).
  2. By clicking on the option of ‘Join now’ in the bottom left of the screen this will open a separate window for your room.


Screen Sharing

Users can share screen whilst in a bubble by selecting the “Share screen” button.

The user who is screen sharing will be noticeable by a highlighted border around their video screen.

Shared screens can be viewed in full screen.

NOTE: Sharing a screen will overtake any LIVE stream in the room.


Location Map 

Click on the ‘location’ icon to view a map to pinpoint your current location.


Click on the online users list before clicking on the ‘Teleport’ button next to the user you wish to travel to. You will then see your avatar teleport across the room arriving near to the person you selected. 

Please note: You are not able to teleport while on a call or while in a bubble with other attendees.
