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1. Choosing a Template
- First, you will need to log into your CrowdComms dashboard (CMS) and input your details.
- Upon successful login, select the Event App where you want your Home page to be created.
- Then click on ‘Builder’ from the left-hand menu.
- You will then see the Module tile selection screen appear. Click on the ‘Page Builder’ option.
- A pop-up will appear, which enables you to rename the module.
- You will then see six templates for you to choose from. Each template consists of additional variations to give you even more flexibility over your App design.
- The templates that are on offer are:
a. Geneva
b. California
c. Cornucopia
d. Iconic
e. Rio
f. Dixie
- If you hover over each template, you can click on the ‘Preview this template’ button to see a quick view of your chosen template design before committing to it.
- Once you’ve chosen a template and are ready to start building your page, click on the ‘Build using this template’ button.