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The Agenda displays a list of Sessions in date order to let app users see what's happening at what time during your event to plan their schedule. App users can favourite sessions to build their own schedule within the app. It's possible to use Session Visibility to only show certain sessions to certain users. You can have multiple agendas within a single app.

Session Visibility

Individual sessions within an agenda have two optional fields "Allowed People" and "Allowed Groups" that you can use to create individual agendas tailored to each of your attendees. If you choose to assign People or Groups to those fields on an agenda session, then that session becomes visible to those people only. Other attendees using your app will no longer see that session appear in the agenda view.

Leaving the "Allowed People" and "Allowed Groups" fields blank will make the session visible to all attendees who have access to the app and to the agenda module containing that session. You can control access to individual modules by setting the visibility options on the module settings page.

You're free to mix and match visible and hidden sessions within the same agenda module, giving you the freedom to design a rich agenda that can incorporate public and private sessions.

Interactive Sessions

If your app has any Live Polls, Surveys or Q&As within it, you can link them to sessions so the interactive elements appear right on the Session Page. To do this, in the Dashboard, edit the session you'd like to add interactivity to and go to the "Other" tab. From there, select the Survey, Q&A or Live Poll which you'd like to link to the session and press Save. 

Session Filters

If your event has multiple streams or categories of session, it's possible to create a number of filters such as "Plenary", "Breakouts", "Refreshments" which can then be applied to a list of sessions. When browsing the agenda in the app, users can then filter down a large agenda by these terms to more easily browse.

Filters can be nested and grouped into 'parent' and 'child' filters. This gives your attendees a useful method to drill down into the sessions they are interested in without having to navigate through a large agenda.

Personal Agendas / Favouriting sessions

In contrast to "Allowed People" and "Allowed Groups", Attendees can 'favourite' a session by clicking the star icon next to a session in the agenda view in the app. This will add the session to the attendee's 'My Schedule' view in the app, allowing them to plan which sessions they wish to attend during the course of the event. 

You can export the current list of 'favourited' sessions from the 'Import/Export' tab of the agenda edit screen in the CMS, allowing you to get an idea of how popular sessions are and allow for planning capacity.

Ordering of Sessions

Sessions within an agenda are ordered chronologically primarily and then alphabetically by the session title. If you have two sessions that start at exactly the same time and you want them to appear in a specific order, it's worth considering either making one session start a minute later or tweaking the title of the session so that it appears after the other alphabetically. Don't forget you can have as many agenda modules as you want in your app, so if an agenda is becoming un-manageable it may make sense to split it up into two or more modules. This could also make the app easier to navigate for your attendees.