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Agenda Overview  

The Agenda Module is the backbone of your event. Optimised towards user experience, it not only provides an overview of your event timetable in chronological order but allows users to build their own schedule when they favourite sessions directly within the app.
Each session is clearly displayed on an individual card, in chronological order, and includes the following information:  

  • Session Thumbnail (200px by 200px)
  • Start and end time of the session (and the time zone if applicable)
  • Session title 
  • Session subtitle 
  • Location 
  • Session capacity
  • Attendees attending the session
  • Tags
  • Any interactive features

Agenda FE.png

Sessions can be expanded to display a brief description, accessunveil the list of speakers and access any relevant documents relatingassociated towith that session.

Expanding Agenda.png

Clicking onto a session opens a full session description page, where any live streams or breakouts can be accessed. 

Inside Session.png

For further customisation, certain information can be toggled on and off for all users. This is found within the Agenda Module on the CMS, under the tab called ‘List Settings’. Here you can switch on or off the following:  

  • Attendees – When expanding the session card, profiles of attending attendees are revealed. Clicking on a profile opens a modal showcasing their full name, company, and job title.
  • Speakers – When expanding the session card is expanded, thecard, profiles of any associated speakers linked to the session are displayed, including their profile picture, full name, company and job title. When clicked, this leads to the full session details.  revealed.
  • Documents – When expanding the session cardcard, isusers expanded,gain theaccess iconto andall name of any documentdocuments linked to the session is displayed, with speaker details shown underneath. When clicked, this leads to the full session detailssession.
  • Features – This displays small icons, which when hovered over, detail which interactive features are used as part of this session. For example, live streaming, polling or Q&A. The session card doesn’t need to be expanded for this to display.
  • Location – This displays the location to which the session is linked to. Again, the session card doesn’t need to be expanded for this to display. 
  • Subtitle – This displays the session subtitle which has been entered into the CMS against this. The subtitle displays just below the session title and has a character limit of 256 characters.  

Expanding Card CMS.pngAgenda Card - List Settings.png

If you have multiple agendas then it is possible to set different features to be visible across the different agendas.

Interactive Sessions 

If your app has anyincorporates Live Polls, SurveysSurveys, or Q&As within it,As, you can linkseamlessly integrate them tointo sessions, so theallowing interactive elements appearto rightbe directly accessible on the Session Page. To doaccomplish this, onnavigate to the CMS, edit the sessiondesired you'd like to add interactivity tosession, and goproceed to the "Other"'Features' tab. From there,Then, select the Survey, Q&AA, or Live Poll whichyou you'd likewish to link to the session and pressclick Save.

 Picture8.pngAgenda Card - Features.png

Session Filters 

If your event hasfeatures multiple streams or categoriessession ofcategories, sessions,you it's possible tocan create a number ofvarious filters suchlike as "Discussion"'Discussion', "Biographical"'Breakouts', and “Medical”'Medical', which can then be applied to a list of sessions. When browsingnavigating the agenda inon the platform, users can thenconveniently filternarrow down anthe extensive agenda byusing these termsfilters to browse more easily. efficiently.


Ordering of Sessions 

Sessions within an agenda are primarily orderedarranged chronologicallychronologically, and then alphabeticallyfollowed by alphabetical order based on the session title. IfIn youthe havecase of two sessions thatstarting start at exactly the same timesimultaneously and you want them to appear inrequiring a specific order,sequence, it'sconsider worthadjusting consideringthe eitherstart makingtime of one session startby a minute later or tweakingmodifying its title to ensure the titledesired ofalphabetical theorder. sessionKeep soin mind that it appears after the other alphabetically. Don't forget you can haveincorporate as manymultiple agenda modules as you want ininto your platform, soallowing if an agenda is becoming unmanageable it may make senseyou to split itup upextensive agendas into two or more modules.manageable sections. This couldnot only improves organization but also makeenhances theattendee platform easier to navigate for your attendees. navigation.

We hope that this overview provided you with all of the information that you need to get the most out of your event agenda. However, if at any time you require further support, please get in touch with your CrowdComms’ Support Specialist or Account Manager.