Platform frameworks and tools our development team use
FrontDelegate endFE (User view)User)
Framework:1515: Core framework for the web application.- Ionic 6:
Provides UI/designUI framework which provides "native" style components fornativeiOS andwebAndroid. - NGRX: State management library providing maintainable patterns for development.
- Ably:
LeveragedAllows formessages,realtime websocket messages which are used for engagement,realmessages,time pushes, this is applied across the front end, CMSalerts andback end. eg) messaging on business cards, and meeting booking, alerts.notifications. - Capacitor:
UsedAllows forbuildingcompiling thewebsitewebintoappato an Android & iOS native app(tousingautomatewebnativeviewsubmission).technologies. LegacyMux:CMS:Provides(Usedcomponentstoforbuildathesmootheventuserplatform):experienceCurrentlywhenAngularviewingJSlivestreams andAngularon9demand videos.New CMS:OneSignal: Used for native push notifications to devices (currentlywhenrunninginstalledalongsideaslegacy)nativeAngular 14app).
BackNew endCMS (DatabaseAdmin)
- Angular 16: Core framework for the web application.
- NX: Monorepo build system enhancing maintainability over the codebase.
- Angular Material UI: UI framework providing core elements such as form inputs and buttons.
- Ably: Allows for realtime websocket messages which are used for updating stats in realtime.
Legacy CMS (Admin)
- Angular 9: Core framework for the web application.
- Angular JS: Legacy Core framework for the web application.
- Ably: Allows for realtime websocket messages which are used for updating stats in realtime.
Smart Sessions (User)
- Angular 15: Core framework for the web application.
- Angular Material UI: UI framework providing core elements such as form inputs and buttons.
- Ably: Allows for realtime websocket messages which are used for updating the view in realtime.
- Twilio Video: Realtime video library to allow the publishing and receiving of video and audio tracks in calls.
- PixiJS: Core rendering engine to display users, bubbles and graphics to users.
- NGRX: State management
andlibraryorchestratingprovidingoutputmaintainableonpatterns for development.
Video Break Outs (User)
- Svelte 3: Core framework for the
frontwebend)application. - Svelte Material UI: UI framework providing core elements such as form inputs and buttons.
- Ably: Allows for realtime websocket messages which are used for updating the view in realtime.
- Twilio Video: Realtime video library to allow the publishing and receiving of video and audio tracks in calls.
Main API
- Django 3.2.
17:19:transitionedCoreinframework2022for the API. - Amazon SES:
emailEmail service for all delegate and admin communication via the platform and CMS. - Amazon RDS: Relational database management system.
ServersSmart Sessions API
PlatformFastAPIis0.x.x: Core framework for the API.
Mettings API
- FastAPI 0.x.x: Core framework for the API.
Public API
- FastAPI 0.x.x: Core framework for the API.
Analytics Microsite
- Flask 2.0.0: Core framework for the microsite.
- Backend projects are hosted on AWS, Frankfurt Data
CentresCentres. BreakoutFrontend projects are hosted on AWS S3 and distributed via AWS CloudFront.- Livestreams and on demand videos are served from Mux.
- Realtime video
meetingscallingand(VBO1-2-1&videoSS)callsisrunprovidedonfromdesignated servers Stream / Video Player runs on combination of AWS, Google Cloud and AkamaiTwilio.
Associate Terminology