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Engagement and Networking

Breakdown of the features and opportunities to facilitate engagement and networking before, during and after your event.

Session Options

Depending on your content requirements you may opt for different methods of delivering a specific...

Session Chat

Overview Live chat feed linked to sessions in the agenda.  Users can add their message within t...

Session Q&A

Overview Allow the audience to ask questions in the lead up and during your session(s).  Modera...

Live Polling

Overview Live polling allows real time engagement between your speaker(s) presenting and the aud...

Event Game / Challenges

Overview Create an event game where you create challenges and award points to incentivise desira...

Attendee Networking

Overview In this section, we'll outline the various options to facilitate and encourage networki...

1-2-1 Video Calls

Overview Starting a video call is the same process as sending a chat message. Users have option ...

Activity Feed

Overview The activity feed is an internal social wall where users can post photos, videos and co...

Alerts and Notifications

Overview Alerts allow you to send out notifications to your audience before, during and after an...

Smart Sessions

Smart Sessions is revolutionising the way we network at virtual and hybrid events. Offered as par...

Zoom breakouts user experience

About the integration  The Zoom integration uses the Zoom SDK functionality which is for the mos...

NEW CrowdComms Video Breakouts

CrowdComms Video Breakout  Introduction Our Video Breakout feature has undergone another trans...


We now have the ability to display wordclouds on a big screen at events, based on input from atte...